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An Investment Thesis: Meet the Mamazen Venture Builder

There are two types of businesses in Europe: Those that remain stuck in the quicksand and those who’ve shifted gears to embrace the power of digital. 

Through our avant-garde startup studio business model, we aim to shift the paradigm by leveraging digital technology to transform customer experiences and process management. Following a customer-centric approach, we build solutions that empower audiences to take advantage of professional services via a single click, while silencing the noise of long-standing inefficiencies.

Our plug-and-play platforms introduce cross-functional tools that spearhead digital transformation, while streamlining conventionally cumbersome processes. While the digital world is rapidly evolving every day, it is here to stay, and adapting is the only way to ensure evergreen success. By beating with the pulse of digital, professionals and artisans can effortlessly attract, manage, and retain clientele, while focusing on their chosen profession.


Our Playbook:
How We Build Startups From Scratch


We analyze 100 trending sectors with audiences of at least 20 billion across Europe, before activating the think-tank to birth an idea.

In 2022 alone, of the 100 sectors we scrutinized, the Beauty Sector emerged as one of the fastest growing industries in Europe during the last 5-year period. As we write this, Europe’s beauty market is worth over €133 billion (€20.3 billion of which comprises hair care alone).


We pinpoint unsolved market challenges by putting Google trends, reports, and reviews of existing services under the microscope.

The alternative is to rely on assumptions sans concrete data, which won’t do. Through our unique startup studio business model, we surfaced one of the most significant challenges faced in the European beauty market: 83% of people with mobility challenges struggle to visit salons, like hairdressers and beauticians.


Instead of blindly launching a product, our startup factory takes the time to test solutions and identify which service secures the most bookings.

We explored numerous popular beauty services, sponsored them on Instagram and Google, and collected pre-orders. This sheer determination brought one of the most sought-after requests to the surface: “hairdressers for the elderly at home”.


Before pouring time and resources into software development, our venture studio tests the service and activates revenue generation first.

Investing in an app without confirming feasibility would be imprudent. Instead, we worked closely with the service provider (in this case, a hairdresser) to find and fix bottlenecks in daily activities. These include online customer search, calendar management, and time optimization. With a fundamental understanding of operational blockages, we could streamline the hairdresser’s workflow through an optimized business strategy and the relevant management software.


Bringing experienced founders onboard and launching the company

In business, there is no room for friendship. As a strategic startup factory, we ruthlessly select go-getting entrepreneurs with the experience to back up their talent. In this example, we handpicked two founders: A former Manager, and a sector expert with experience as a franchising consultant and founder of several salons. This is the story of how one of our two 2022 startups was born:


Assigning €150K to make the company a reality

Starting with no team and no money is a fool’s errand. Instead, Mamazen’s teams collaborates with the co-founder to raise investment capital. In this case, the startup received €150K to fuel the dawn of the new legacy and accelerate its expansion throughout Europe.


We build a world where value and values go hand in hand

Businesses, tackling the digital and green transition. Our mission is to build companies that revitalize the real economy based on a network of professionals and strong operations. Our true secret lies not in the technology we use but in the network of relationships we create. We invest in startups that empower micro-businesses, enabling them to reach a broader market. The twin transition, the green and digital transformation, is a significant challenge for micro-businesses, often facing fragmentation, limited managerial skills, and weak bargaining power. We create startups to overcome these issues.

Interested in joining Mamazen as a Founder or Investor?