Equity Split in Mamazen Startup Studio

August 16, 2021

How we manage the Equity Split in Mamazen Startup? In this article, we'll show you what's the model that we use in our Startup Studio!

How do we split Startup Equity between Studio and Founders? In this article, we’ll show you how we manage Equity Split in Mamazen Startup Studio.
Today, we will explain how we split shares between Studio and co-founders in a newly created startup.

Last week we revealed some processes adopted in our Dojo. Here you find the link to previous articles:

Let's go!

Equity Split, what is the model adopted by Mamazen?

As we explained in a previous article, Studios can manage Equity Split in different ways.
At Mamazen ideas are generated internally so the Studio is the founder of each Startup (Startup Studio as a Founder model).
There are no fixed rules, but we consider some specific drivers and we move within a range. The most important drivers are:

Co-Founders are critical for the success of the Startups created by a Startup Studio, and if you want to learn more about hiring a co-founder, you can discover more following this link.

How to determine the equity kept by the Studio?

In Mamazen we identify a product/service-oriented Co-Founder; he/she will be in charge of product development. When a second co-founder is hired, we search for a business-oriented person, a good storyteller, a fundraiser with a good network if possible.

If the startup has only one co-founder with high seniority, the Studio keeps about 60% equity;  if the startup has two co-founders and both are highly skilled, the Studio keeps 30-40% equity.

There are no fixed rules, but it is assessed case-by-case.

A Stock Option Pool for our co-founders

We reserve a 10% Option Pool in our startups for the co-founders. Why? Well, managers and key-man can acquire additional equity in the startups created.
How does a stock-option plan work?

Stock Options are incentives: best employees can buy a company's shares at a predetermined price, the strike price.

What’s next?

Now that you know how we Manage the Equity Split in Mamazen Startup Studio; we will continue our journey in Mamazen Startup Studio in the next article, check our article for more insights into our Dojo!

Mamazen is in a never ending evolution. We have been the first to introduce the Startup Studio model in Italy so, now we want to do something more. Our aim is to start a new era in the startup world. That's why we have combined the Startup Studio model with the Dual Entity Model, a model designed to reduce the risk for investors dramatically.  

That's why we have combined the Startup Studio model with the Dual Entity Model, a model designed to reduce the risk of us as investors dramatically.  

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