The Startup Studios advent in Italy

March 10, 2021

The Startup Studios phenomenon has come to Italy; new realities are raising to rock the Italian market. A new business model is here.

An Italian love story

Italy will soon have a new change in the innovation and enterprise field; take note of this sentence because the Startup Studios phenomenon is growing fast. Many new Studios have been born, Italian ecosystem is changing.

In 2017, when Mamazen was founded, Startup Studios’ meaning was just an echo across the pond, a whisper among insiders. It was a little-known concept but Mamazen never gave up and continued to improve this new model and spread it in the Italian market, and we were right! Because we built a path for other entrepreneurs.

Do you want to know what is happening in our Studio? Discover it here.

Let’s talk about Italian Studios.

After the Mamazen foundation, 4 years ago, we’re happy to see that other Startup Studios have been born in Italy. 
Let’s get to know better the other Startup Studios in Italy:

Something big is happening. Italian ecosystem has changed, and the change is here to last. We’re proud to say:

“We told you so!”.

But... There is always a but. To make a successful Studio you need robust processes and methodologies. To rock the market and launch successful Startups, a Studio needs to:

Let’s talk about the Studio process?

The Startup Studio Model - as every structured approach - need replicable processes and measurable metrics. The ground assumption is that you can’t build a product without knowing if it meets a real need.

Our process starts by exploring the market to identify strategic areas. This phase is followed up by identifying new business opportunities inspired by the uncovered jobs-to-be-done and unmet needs.

Then we validate key assumptions with customers as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Once this phase is finished, rapidly build an MVP to test and validate that the proposition addresses the opportunities uncovered.

Last but not least, build high-quality teams that can accelerate growth and get it to escape velocity.

Mamazen is in a never ending evolution. We have been the first to introduce the Startup Studio model in Italy so, now we want to do something more. Our aim is to start a new era in the startup world. That's why we have combined the Startup Studio model with the Dual Entity Model, a model designed to reduce the risk for investors dramatically.  

That's why we have combined the Startup Studio model with the Dual Entity Model, a model designed to reduce the risk of us as investors dramatically.  

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